Mental Health Week New Zealand - 26 Sept to 2 Oct

 Comic strip for Mental Health Week NZ 2021

It is Mental Health Awareness Week from 26 September 2022 to 2 October 2022 in  New Zealand. This year's theme is "Reconnect - with the people and places that lift you up".

There are two essential models of wellbeing to help us understand what we need to do as individuals, family (whānau), communities and society to ensure we can all enjoy good mental wellbeing. These models are:

Te Whare Tapa Whā


Five Ways to Wellbeing

As a people leader, it pays to know about the model because you never know when you need to support another person needing your support. You can get the Mental Health First Aid training from St. John, New Zealand, or learn more at Mental Health First Aid

Besides helping others, it is also about helping yourself and being aware of the circumstances that affect your own well-being. The last couple of years has been tough on a lot of people. We feel disconnected from people and places that are important to us. 

Reconnecting with someone you love or lost contact with, a particular place or even with yourself with people and places that lift you up can enhance your wellbeing.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Week!